Edition: Paperback
Imogene's going from starstruck to starlet!
Imogene and Evie are headed to L.A. for a fashion-filled spring break. Hello, gorgeous beaches, celebrity sightings, and nonstop shopping on Rodeo Drive!
Then the spotlight turns on Imogene and suddenly everyone in Hollywood wants to buy her life story. With a famous heartthrob to hang out with and A-list status to get her in anywhere, Imogene is L.A.'s girl of the moment. But what about Evie? Becoming the new It Girl without losing old friends is harder than it looks....
Rating: 2 stars
Sad to say but I think I've outgrown Imogene and her fashion adventures. In this third and final book, Imogene and her best friend Evie were in L.A. for two weeks to enjoy spring break. They were there to attend Fashion Fantasy Camp.
While enrolling into camp, Imogene was put into contact with Hollywood Agent Shelia Hicks. Due to the adventures in the first two books and her popular fashion blog, Imogene's life as Hautelaw Girl have become well known. After one meeting with the infamous agent, Imogene was getting a movie about her life.
There wasn't a lot of fun in this last book, it was really uninteresting, boring and predictable. It read like a bad discarded plot for a Disney or Nickelodeon TV movie. The entire story was so unbelievable. It was also unbelievable that Imogene who is 17 could make all of these deals without her parents being involved.
This failed to capture my attention and the plot was very thin and very paint by numbers. I was disappointed with this book and I should have stopped reading. I'm surprised I didn't. I enjoyed the first two books and sort of forced myself to read more of this one in hopes that it would get better. But it did not.
Imogene wasn't as interesting in this book, she was even more shallow then she was in the previous books. She was so caught up in the glitz and glam of Hollywood and her increasing popularity that as predictable she tossed aside her best friend Evie to hang out with snooty Mia Meltzer, the daughter of a movie producer. It was justified in her opinion because Mia was someone who has Hollywood connections. I also didn't like how Imogene started to judge Evie who was just being herself instead of being phony. Imogene forgot all about the project they were supposed to be working on for Fashion Fantasy Camp to focus on being a movie star.
Of course everything blew up in her face, her movie deal was in jeopardy from one of her old fashion rivals Brooke who was pitching a similar movie. She found out her agent was also representing Brooke and not to mention her friendship with Evie was imploding.
This had a very predictable ending with Imogene coming to her senses after the movie executives wanted her to drop Evie from her story. She decided not to continue with the movie and went to fix her friendship with Evie and get back to work on their fashion project.
I found the best thing about this story to be the illustrations by Sujean Rim. The author tried to fix this story and Imogene with the ending but as with everything else in this story it was predictable and uninspiring. I'm glad this was the last book because if there were additional books, I would no longer be following Imogene on any more fashion adventures.
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