Monday, October 8, 2012

Book Review: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Volume #8 (Manga)

Book: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Volume #8 (chapters 63-71)

Rating: 5 stars


I read this over the weekend and it was as good as other seven volumes I've read so far. Like the other volumes, this one continues to have a good balance of humor, action and drama. The characters are interesting and the stories are fun to read. With each volume, you can see how Kenichi is improving and becoming a much better fighter but his still the same good person that he was in the begining of the series.

The first three chapters focused on Kenichi getting additional training in the mountains from the leader of the Yamamoto school of jujitsu. Surprisingly, his training opponent turned out to be Naoki, the 12 year old son of leader of the school. Kenichi had to go through a lot of intense training but in the end he learn something about himself.

The next four chapters focused on Kenichi's Chinese Martial Arts Master Kensi and other members of Kensi's family. The story started out with Kenichi following Master Kensi to Chinatown to try to figure out why Master Kensi was acting weird. This story you got to see how different Kensi is from his brother Sogetsu and you also learned a little more about Kensi from his daughter Renka.

The last two chapters focused on the Kenichi's frienemy Nijima trying to get Kenichi, Takeda and Ukita to join the Shimpaku fighting club/gang of his. Despite the fact that they do not want to join, Nijima continues to be a pain. He even resorts to a dirty trick to get them to come to his assistance in a fight. The thing about Kenichi is despite, Nijima being a creepy jerk, Kenichi always tries to be a good person and a good friend. 

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