Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Currently Reading: The Cinderella Pact

When I first saw the movie on Lifetime, I had no idea it was originally a book. Totally looking forward to reading this. Especially since this is the last of my library books.

Book: The Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer

Source: Library


Fairy godmother hasn't shown up yet?
Maybe it's time to take matters into your own hands...

When magazine editor Nola Devlin is turned down for her dream job as an advice columnist because she's overweight, she decides to become thin - or, at least, pretend to be. Belinda Apple, the alter ego she creates - thin, British, hip, and did we mention thin? - is a smashing success who is offered movie proposals, national television appearances, and even dates. Of course, no one's actually met her in person.

Unfortunately, Nola takes Belinda a bit too far, jotting off a column about how easy it is to lose weight - a column her friends take seriously. Trapped by her own words, Nola is forced to join the "Cinderella Pact" and drop the pounds.

As the weight comes off, however, Nola's problems begin to mount. Her magazine launches an investigation into Belinda Apple's true identity, her friends race ahead of her in the weight-loss game, and her younger sister chooses Belinda as her maid of honor. Plus, there's this mysterious hunk who might be Nola's prince - or a rat in coachman's clothing. Will this "everygirl" from New Jersey finally find a glass slipper that fits? Or do glass slippers shatter on the feet of real women like us?

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