Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beware the Batman 2nd Episode Review

Episode Title: Secrets

Rating: 3 1/2 stars

I thought the second episode was far better than the first. The show is improving. However, Batman continues to be pathetic when it comes to being out there fighting the criminals. Because in the first few minutes when Batman faced off against Magpie she kicked his butt (which was no surprise). This continued throughout the entire episode until the end when he was finally able to stop her. It's ridiculous how many times Magpie kicked his butt in this episode. It's hard to believe he's supposed to have put Lunkhead in a coma for two months when he can barely hold his own in a fight with Magpie. This is a very disappointing Batman.

Something, I thought they did do a really good job on in the second episode was showing how fantastic he was as a detective. They showed how smart and observant he was, I just wish the show didn't stop short at showing that he can take care of business while out crime fighting. He's just so horrible as a crime fighter and there's still nothing to beware when he's out in the field.

Another thing I really enjoyed was seeing Lieutenant James Gordon and his future crime fighter daughter Barbara. The first episode didn't really show too much of Lt. Gordon but the second episode made up for it. If I continue to watch this show, I look forward to seeing more of the Gordons.

Something I didn't think was so great were all the butt and cleavage shots of Magpie. Seeing as this is supposed to be aimed at children I was a little surprised the animators added so many. And not to mention her costume was very revealing. I'm far from being a prude, but I thought it was a bit too much for a children's show.

To think critics actually complained about Catwoman being too sexy on Batman: The Animated Series. They must have fallen out of their chairs when Magpie showed up on the screen.

And lastly, a character I wish was more interesting is Tatsu. So far she continues to be dull. I wish they would just interject some personality into her character. This episode she was just a boring disgruntled employee. I want to like this character but there's nothing to like.

Oh, there wasn't too much of Alfred Pennyworth in this. He's still dealing with his injury from the first episode so he's sort of on the sidelines.

So overall I thought this was a pretty good episode. I hope the show continues to get better, especially with dealing Batman's lack of fighting skills. I'm actually looking forward to the third episode.

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