Saturday, February 15, 2014

Currently Reading: The Undiscovered Goddess and The Savage Hawkman vol #1 (New 52)

I wanted to read something a bit more light-hearted after reading that boring book, The Signature of All Things. And The Undiscovered Goddess seems like it will be and I'm going to be reading Hawkman because truth be told, I bought the issues (when the New 52 started) but never got around to reading them.

Book: The Undiscovered Goddess by Michelle Colston

Source: Borrowed from NetGalley for an honest review

Publication: Available now


Who knew a Cosmo quiz and a bottle of wine could change a woman’s life?

Holly, housewife and frazzled mother of three, is determined to discredit the lackluster result of a Cosmopolitan magazine quiz. After buying a workbook geared toward helping her find her inner goddess, Holly sets off on a year of self-discovery, journaling through each exercise as she goes. Facing inner demons, yoga, an explosive colon cleanse and REALLY spicy curry, the lessons are hard on her emotions, not to mention her digestive system. But does she succeed in the end? Beyond the superficial, what important lesson does Holly’s inner goddess have the power to teach her…and what can Holly teach you?

Book: The Savage Hawkman volume #1: The Darkness Rising (issues #1-8) by Tony Daniel

Edition: I'm reading the single issues


Carter Hall is back as the savage Hawkman! Carter's skill at deciphering lost languages has led him to a job with an archaeologist who specializes in alien ruins. But one of his latest discoveries is Morphicus, whose deadly power helps to spread an alien plague through New York City. With innocent lives in the balance, Carter Hall must use the power of the Nth metal bonded to his body to don his wings and become Hawkman!

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