Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Summary: A Perfect Day for Lounging (and Movie Watching)

Today is turning into the perfect lounge day or movie day. Hey, that's what Sundays are for right? I read a little but mostly watched TV (besides doing a few chores). I've been enjoying the Harry Potter movie marathon (Yeah, I know. Haven't I seen them enough already?) I also watched some of "Independence Day", yet another movie I've seen enough times but it's just such a amazing movie.

I also watched "Baggage Claim" and "What's Your Number?" earlier as well.  I think the concept of both movies are interesting and funny with both women in the movies thinking they could find love again with one of their exes but all it showed was they didn't have much luck with revisiting old loves and should maybe just focus on the present.

Two more of my favorite movies are on "Batman Return" and "Thor". Again two movies I've already seen enough times. But what can I say, they are awesome. Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer are so underrated as Batman and Catwoman. Michael Keaton in my opinion is one of the best Batman and he didn't get enough praise for his top notch performance. And Michelle Pfeiffer was simply amazing as Catwoman.

As for Thor it's a fun movie to watch. Chris Hemsworth is really good actor (have you seen "Rush", I thought he did a good job is in that movie). Plus, it has Lady Sif, Loki and the Warriors Three what's not to love about it.

Yesterday, I stopped by the comic book store to pick up a few issues. It's nice going there, talking with the owner and a few other customers because as cool as I think the comic book culture is, my friends are not exactly fond of my comic book talk. They don't care about the movies, comic books characters or anything else remotely about that world but that doesn't stop me from caring. I'm a total geek and I'm fine with it.

Lastly, before I go back to lounging. I actually went on Twitter today. Yeah, I know I don't really go on there that often. I just went on there to see what everyone was talking about. Twitter is a good way of wasting time but it doesn't hold my interest or attention because after awhile I start to get bored with it. I might try to go on there more but maybe just keep it short increments of time.

Well I guess I'll go back to watching movie so bye for now and I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

~ Book Girl

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