Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Girl Thought: Giving Different Books a Chance

Lately, I have really been trying to read a lot of different genres as well as giving more books a chance. Because sometimes with me, if I didn't like the first book in a series I usually don't go on to read the second book. But I don't want to be so stuffy. I want to change.

So, I made up my mind to give more books a chance, case in point, I just checked out "Shadow of Night" by Deborah Harkness, from the library. Even though, I didn't really like the first book "A Discovery of Witches" I am going to give the second book a read.

I think this will be good because if give more books a chance I might find some new favorite books. And even if I run into a book I don't like, at least I gave it a chance.

So I think that's a pretty good book goal that I have right now.

My whole point of creating this book blog was to expand my reading and maybe even bring back the joy of reading. Not to mention maybe even meets some other readers as well (which I have from Goodreads).

Well, that's about it for now, I hope everyone is having a fantastic day.

~ Book Girl

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