Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TV Round Up: Total Divas Season 3 ep #1

Episode #1: Eggs over Freezing

So the ladies are back for another season. This time joined by a new cast member, Rosa (who returned to wrestling) and so far none of the ladies seem happy to see her. Rosa's a bit of a free spirit but she's also dealing with a few problems that sidelined her for a while. And so far it doesn't seem like she's quite ready for a comeback but that was just her first match. I'm sure in future episodes they will show her doing much better that is if she's really ready to return to the ring. But with Nattie as her "babysitter" she can only improve.

It's seems like Nikki is embarking on a new life decision that might not factor in John Cena. That's understandable, since he's not sure he wants to get married again nor have children. So, Nikki's just looking out for her future but it makes you wonder why she keeps hiding things from him. Why not tell him the truth? Didn't she learn anything from the secret wedding incident?

Meanwhile, Eva is planning her wedding even though she had already eloped. Although this wedding is mainly for her family it's also a way to make her father's dream come true since he's sick again. 

I thought Naomi and Cameron hardly got any screen time, so hopefully they will be featured more in this season. I know one thing I didn't miss and that was Summer (she was off filming a movie), because all she does is cause trouble.

I like this show even though I'm not much of a reality show person but this first episode seems to be off to good start.

The next episode looks like John and Nikki may have to deal with her future plans and I wonder how that will turn out.

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