Thursday, March 19, 2015

Currently Reading for A-Z Title Challenge: iZombie vol #2

The first volume was truly great, it was funny and suspenseful. I hope this will be just as good.

Book: iZombie volume #2: uVampire (issues #6-12) by Chris Roberson and illustrations by Michael Allred

Edition: Trade


Told from a female zombie’s perspective, this smart, witty detective series mixes urban fantasy and romantic dramedy.

Gwendolyn “Gwen” Dylan is a 20-something gravedigger in an eco-friendly cemetery. Once a month she must eat a human brain to keep from losing her memories, but in the process she becomes consumed with the thoughts and personality of the dead person – until she eats her next brain. She sets out to fulfill the dead person’s last request, solve a crime or right a wrong.

In uVAMPIRE, Gwen dines on the grey matter of a person who knew her as a child – and things quickly get complicated. Meanwhile, ghost-girl Ellie learns a few tricks from Amon the mummy; Spot the were-terrier goes to the comics shop and meets someone from Gwen’s past, the mad scientist Galatea engages in a bit of grave-robbing; and the monster-hunters tackle the town’s vampire problem once and for all.


PrincessFanGirl said...

Have you been watching iZombie?That first episode sucked. Hello it was like watching a boring clone of Veronica Mars. So not worth watching.

Book Girl said...

Hi PrincessFanGirl,

No, I didn't watch the first episode of iZombie. The trailer didn't interest me and it just seemed too much like Veronica Mars instead of being more like iZombie. I had wrote about it not so long ago on here.