Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nesting: It's Time to Declutter My Life

This past weekend I decided it was time to finally declutter, I had been putting it off for too long. The first area I've been working on is my bedroom, which I'm still sorting through. My closet and dresser were stuffed with so many old clothes that it was easy to bag them up. It should now be a lot easier to find what I'm looking for instead of wasting time searching for it.

As I was bagging up all of those old items, it felt so freeing just to get rid of them. It makes me wonder why I didn't do this sooner. Next, I need to see what I have stored under my bed, it's been so long I forgotten what I have under there. I plan to go through my entire place (thankfully it's small) and declutter it. I so dread having to sort through all my books, for a book girl it's hard to get rid of books. However, if I didn't enjoy reading them getting rid of them is what I need to do to free up more space.

I am far from being a minimalist, frankly I crave too much stuff (hello, books) for that to happen but I do love the idea of simple living. So, my goal is to live with less stuff but not by creating some complicated organizing system but just by getting rid of the stuff I no longer want. I'm going to donate and give away what I can maybe someone else can enjoy those items.

With my birthday approaching this week, this felt like the perfect time for a fresh start and to get rid of a lot of the old stuff that I have been holding on to.

In a weird sort of way, doing this makes me feel more grown up.

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