Saturday, August 22, 2015

Library Book Sale, there is no way I'm missing that!

I wonder if I picked the wrong time to do this book buying break. The summer library book sale is today, I can't believe I forgot about that. I know I gave up buying books until October which so far has been going rather well despite my very strong desire to buy some books. Thank goodness I didn't include my weekly comics in this challenge or I'd be as unpleasant as a coffee drinker who didn't get their first cup in the morning.

Anyway, today's the book sale and I can't miss that. During the sale, which is in the basement, is always full of people roaming through the aisles trying to find books. You can just feel the excitement in the air from all the people looking for that perfect find. At last year's fall book sale, I managed to find some good books and I'm hoping to do the same today. Since I know that the money will go towards buying more books for the library and towards other programs, I figure it would be okay to go.

Well, with that settled, I'll post pictures if I find any good books.

Have a Happy Saturday!

~ Book Girl

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