Tuesday, August 25, 2015

TV Round Up: Vixen episode #1

Vixen animated series  CW Seed (cwseed.com)

I just finished watching the first episode of Vixen and it's really good. My only problem is the episode is only 5 minutes long. Seriously, 5 minutes and with six episodes in total I can only hope more time will be added on for the second episode.

In this first episode, Mari McCabe found herself in jail after a lousy job interview and after being released her necklace was getting quite a lot of attention. Be it from a police officer trying to buy it from her to several criminals aiming to steal it. Is that family heirloom of hers hiding a mystery?

This ends on a cliffhanger with Mari and her foster father being attacked by criminals in an attempt to get her necklace.

So, with a very good first episode, I will be watching the remainder of the series. I'm not sure if the episodes will be posted in a daily or weekly format. I'll check the site tomorrow and see.

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