Monday, October 26, 2015

Book Girl Thoughts: Donating and Redecorating

These past few weeks have been really busy that I'm happy to have a little down time to relax and that gave me time to realize I need to do something about my books. My books have started to get out of control and I'm running out of space to store them.

So over the weekend, I went through all of my books and ended up bagging up 34 of them which includes Jaws, my entire collection of the Hannah Swensen mystery series and a many more. I plan on donating them once I finish posting this.

Something, I just found out over the weekend is that my local comic book store will be having a blogger night. I'm thinking about signing up for it, just might be fun.

A project I just finished this weekend was creating a small reading nook for my bedroom. I had been wanting to set up a nice and cozy area where I could read but it took me some time because first I was going to have to rearrange everything. But I think it turned out pretty nice, in a small area I have a comfy chair that's near my window, an ottoman and a soft throw. That should make a quiet and relaxing reading nook.

Well, I better go donate my books, hopefully someone else will enjoy them.  


Book Girl

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