Saturday, January 23, 2016

365 Days of Books of Interest: Day #23: Revival vol #1

Doing this challenge has given me a chance to find so many books that I would like to read especially a lot of independent comic books.

I generally read a lot of comics from the big two (DC and Marvel) but over the years I've been reading more independent comics mainly in search of something different. I still love reading my usual group of comics from Wonder Woman to X-Men but it's been fun finding new books.

Case in point, Revival. A murder must be solved but the problem is that the dead have returned and murderer could be either one of the of the living or one of the undead. Interesting, right? I will be adding this to my wishlist, I have to read this.

Book: Revival volume #1: Your Among Friends (issues #1-5) by Tim Seeley with illustrations by Mike Norton


For one day in rural central Wisconsin, the dead came back to life. Now it's up to Officer Dana Cypress to deal with the media scrutiny, religious zealots, and government quarantine that has come with them. In a town where the living have to learn to deal with those who are supposed to be dead, Officer Cypress must solve a brutal murder, and everyone, alive or undead, is a suspect.

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