Monday, January 25, 2016

Fitness Monday: Finding a Fitness Inspiration

I decided to take inspiration from some of my favorite characters, I thought about why I like them so much. It's mainly because they're self-motivated even if some of their motivation may come from tragedy.

Batman's training may be excessive but what I see is someone who has made a goal and does everything he can to achieve that. What I take from that is if being healthy and getting in shape is important to me then I need to make it a priority.

Being the Avatar can not be easy, but both Aang and Korra had to train to master each of the elements before they could truly be called the Avatar. That takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Storm's calm demeanor is a necessity because if she loses control, her powers could make the storm of the century look like a light spring drizzle. Her staying in control takes a lot of discipline.

These are only a small fraction of the characters that inspire me but I got a good place to start with:

1. Prioritizing

2. Hard Work and Dedication

3. Discipline.

And even though it's not on the list but most of all is to have fun. Exercising doesn't have to be boring.

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