Wednesday, March 9, 2016

7 Ways Not to Lose the Joy of Reading

Last night, while at my Women's Literature book club, we got on the topic of reading. A few in the group mentioned how stressed out they have become with reading. It no longer felt like a pleasure to read. I suggested taking a break from reading, be it a few days, weeks or even a month off until they can get back to the joy of reading.

Even among some of my friends and some of the book bloggers that I chat with on Twitter or Goodreads, they also feel a little on edge with trying to keep up with their reading schedules and their ARCs (advanced reader copies). I think because our society is so busy and always on the go, that rushed feeling has spilled over to practically every part of our lives including reading.

When did reading stop being fun? Reading shouldn't feel like a race or a competition. It should be for enjoyment. How can you become immersed in the story if you're worried that you need to hurry up and finish the book?

I am all about the joy of reading and I'm going to try to incorporate that more into my blog. Being an avid reader, I've found that doing these seven things have kept me from not losing my joy of reading.

1) Mindful Reading. Taking my time while I read, keeps me in the moment and makes it easy to escape into the story. I figure why rush through a book, even more so if it's a really good story.

2) Not Forcing Myself to Keep Reading. If I'm not enjoying something I'm reading, I stop. Life is too short to read boring books.

3) It's Okay to Take a Break from Reading. Taking a break is a great way to keep from getting burned out.

4) Create a Reading Area. Even if you're home is the size of a shoebox try to carve out a little space for reading. However you set it up, make sure it's comfortable and the atmosphere is relaxing. One of my two favorite places to read in my apartment is my bedroom. My reading nook includes a comfy chair and an ottoman by my bedroom window.

5) Make Reading Fun. I have friends who have a glass of wine while they read, listen to classical music, read at coffee shops, have weekly book chats and more. The point is to do whatever it is that makes reading fun for you.

6) Find Books That Interest You. I read a lot of different genres but one thing I don't do is read a book just because it's popular or everyone else is reading it. It has to be something that truly interest me and makes me want to read it.

7) I Don't Follow A Reading Schedule. Having a schedule may work for some but for me it's too fixed and rigid. Other than exceptions for book club reads that I actually decide to read, I have no plans in regards to what I read. If it's something I want to read, I read it.

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