Friday, March 11, 2016

Book Buying Break, Tried It. Didn't Work!

My book buying break has come to an end. I didn't quite make it to my official date of May 1st but at least I lasted for 32 days. That's the longest I have ever gone with one of these book buying breaks. Maybe the next time I try one it will last a little longer.

So what broke me? Spider-Man, well Miles Morales to be exact. I ordered all five volumes of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Men (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) and DC Comics: Bombshells vol #1. I still want to buy Investigating Lois Lane but I didn't want to go overboard with my order.

Why are books so enticing? Perhaps the better question is "where is my self-control?" Like so many bookaholics, I've tried to cut back but books are my weakness. Taking that break did give me a chance to read several books that have been sitting on my bookcase. But with my books steadily growing I need to make more of an effort to read my books instead of buying so many new ones.

Is there anyone else who takes Book Buying Breaks? If so, have they worked for you?

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