Saturday, April 16, 2016

Batman v Superman = A Bad Day At The Movies

Here I go thinking I would be returning home ready to share my comments and opinions about Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. But apparently the universe had other plans. Remember on Wednesday, I mentioned getting a certificate to see the movie for free, well I made sure I grabbed that before heading out the door.

The moment I got in line at the AMC theatre that should have been a sign that something bad was going to happen. First there was only one cashier at the counter and second the customers ahead of me couldn't figure out which seats they wanted to select. They were holding up the line so bad that people actually got out of line to use the self-service ticket kiosks. I would have done the same thing if I didn't have to give the certificate to the cashier. Here I was worrying that I would miss seeing the trailers and possibly being late for the movie but I finally was able to get my ticket and headed off to the theatre. But lo and behold when I finally got to the theatre the screen was blank.

I sat there for about five or ten minutes then went out to speak with someone at customer service. I wasn't the only person who did this, apparently they were having a problem with the projector for that movie. After 20 minutes, they finally offered everyone who went to see Batman vs Superman a free pass to see another movie. Some people stayed to see something else. I decided to keep my pass and wait to use it for Captain America: Civil War.

Now I don't want you to get a bad impression of the theatre because usually whenever I go, I always have a good experience. This was just one that didn't turn out well, as bad as I've heard Batman vs Superman to be, perhaps this was just the universe saving me from being disappointed.

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