Monday, May 23, 2016

Fitness Monday: 9 Ways I Stay Healthy and Fit on a Budget

Yeah, gym memberships are great if it's in your budget but what if it's not? Getting healthy should not require you to spend a lot of money. As someone who is on a budget, I try not to let saving money be a reason for not getting healthy.

Some things that I have been doing to be healthy are:

(As always please consult with a doctor before starting any type of exercise.)

1.  Walk

It's a great workout and is relatively free and plus I'm getting fresh air. I walk as much as I can which also includes taking my dog for walks. Just make sure you have a good quality pair of gym shoes (I've seen a variety of shoes that are not expensive).

2.  Dance.

It's a great form of cardio and all I have to do is put on some of my favorite music and let loose.

3.  Look for Sales on Healthy Food.

I check the weekly sales papers to see what fruits and veggies (fresh or frozen) and other healthy options are on sale at my local grocery store and big box stores (like Meijer). And don't forget the local farmers' market if one is available. I find it ridiculous that the healthy food cost more than the not so healthy ones.

4. Invest in Basic Equipment

I use affordable and basic fitness equipment such as weights, a jump rope, a yoga mat and resistance bands. Check with big box or sports equipment stores to see if there's a sale.

5. Fitness DVDs and On Demand

On days where I don't feel like walking, I make use of my cable's On Demand Fitness section. There are a lot of different Free workouts that I can do. I also have two Fitness DVDs that I like to occasionally use. I rotate them out so I don't get bored. One of the DVDs is a Jillian Michaels one and I like to use that one whenever I'm looking for a tougher workout.

6. I take the stairs whenever possible.

7. Drink Water.

I drink tap water 99% of the time. Depending on your city's water system this maybe a good option.

8. I use my Wii to play interactive games and for Wii Fit.

If you still have your Wii system, dust it off and start using it. It's a wonderful way of getting in a workout without realizing it.

9. Limit Junk Food

I still indulge in a candy bar or cookies from time to time but most of the time I'm eating healthy snacks such as fruit or veggies.

Two Bonus Tips:

1.  Now that fitness clothes or athleisure wear is the latest trend, it's easy to find something affordable. Check stores like: JCPenney, Target, Old Navy, Gap, etc. for some affordable finds.

2.  I schedule when I workout in my planner so that I don't weasel my way out it and it help keeps me accountable.

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