Thursday, June 16, 2016

I'm Taking a Break from Twitter!

I've decided to take a break from Twitter, although I love being on there. It is a great way to meet others who are passionate about reading and geek culture. As well as I can find out about current events in real time. But surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) it's a total time waster and sad to say a little bit negative at times. Something I hadn't realized lately is that I have been inundated with a lot of book request (mind you, from books that I actually want to read). As a way to accomplish my task, letting go of Twitter will give me even more time to read and review all of those books.

Last night, while I was at home dealing with a cold (why does cold medicine taste so awful?) and watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier (I forgot how awesome that movie was), I realized it's time to step away. I'm still going to keep my account in case I want to return to tweeting but for now I'm taking a break.

I did go on Twitter for a few minutes today before officially coming to the conclusion about the break and posting it on there. The funny thing is I had already sort of unofficially taken a break, prior to this morning I hadn't been on there in a few weeks. The weird thing is, I didn't miss being on Twitter and I have this strange sense of calmness from no longer being on there. I still have my friends in real life who are bookaholics and my book club that I go to where I can get into plenty of book discussions. I can also still find out news about books and geek stuff without having to go on there.

So as of now, I'm issuing a goodbye to Twitter. You were fun but surprisingly I don't miss you.

For anyone who has left Twitter I have a couple of questions, how long did your break last? Also, did you eventually end up going back?

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