Monday, September 19, 2016

Fitness Monday: Why I Started Working Out After Work

(Image from the movie Bridget Jones's Diary)

As a morning person, I enjoy waking up early and getting my day started. As far as exercising goes, I usually like to workout either during the morning or afternoon. However for the past week and a day, I changed it up by working out after I get out of work.

Despite being a chipper person, by the end of the day, I'm a little tired and coupled with the day's stress the last thing I want to do is workout. But that's why I made the decision to start working out at that time. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and lately as I found myself a little more stressed out than usual the health benefits from working out have been most appreciative.

Last week when I started working out in the evening, I didn't think much about it but I have noticed that there is a difference in how I feel. I found myself more relaxed, energized and able to sit back and unwind instead of being tense and stressed out.

What I learned so far from doing this is that for me there is no magic time to work out. But I do think you have to know when it will give you the most health benefits. Since I already start out my day with plenty of energy, I'm not getting much of the stress reducing and energizing benefits from working out in the morning. However by changing to working out in the evening, that's exactly what I get.

I can't tell anyone what's the best time for them to workout that's something everyone has to figure out for themselves. I'm only pointing out what is working for me.

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