Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year's Eve!, I can't believe it's the last day of 2016. I was so busy decluttering that I almost forgot to post something. As soon as I woke up this morning I wanted to start organizing and getting rid of old stuff. I just felt like it's before the new year to let go as much stuff as possible especially with the way I always wound up with getting more stuff.

So far I've bagged up and tossed quite a few things which were mainly stuff that I no longer wanted but I never got rid of. I'm not going to finish it all today but at least I'm off to a good start. Going through a lot of my stuff I can't believe I held on to it for so long.

With today being the last day of the year, I decided to wait until the new year to read something new. Earlier today I updated my goodreads' account with the books that I read this year that I forgot to post earlier. I wanted to make sure my account was completely updated. My new books I ordered arrived on Friday, I'll post them soon.

Before I go, I'm not sure how I want to celebrate the ending of the year but I'm leaning towards staying in for a movie marathon. I'm a little tired and not sure if I want to go out partying tonight.

So until next year I wish everyone a very happy New Year's Eve!

Have fun and be safe,

~ Book Girl

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