Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Music: Rogue One Soundtrack

I previously wrote about my love of movie soundtracks and I can't see that ending anytime soon. But before I discuss my latest soundtrack purchase I want to talk a little about the movie. The other day I saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and I loved it. The movie centers around this ragtag group of misfits who were sort of thrown together as they attempt to gather the necessary information to stop the Empire. I'm not embarrassed to say that this movie left me in tears from the action to the emotional heart wrenching scenes to that ending, this was perfect. 

There was not one single thing about this movie that wasn't done well, including the soundtrack. And the minute I got home, I ordered not only the soundtrack for Rogue One by Michael Giacchino but also for Star War: The Force Awakens by John Williams (even though I still haven't seen the movie yet but I will this week). Due to the sound effects I'm sure I missed some of the nuances of the music which is why I bought the soundtrack but what I remember is stuck in my head. From what I've read Giacchino was brought in at the last minute to create the soundtrack and he must work well under pressure because the music is excellent.

Now I just have to wait for my CDs (yes I said CDs) to show up in the mail, when it comes to soundtracks I still prefer tangible disk over digital. Because as weird as it may seem I like getting the booklets and anything else that maybe include with the music. 

If you like soundtracks, Rogue One might be one you want to add to your collection.

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