Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Happy Birthday, Ron Weasley!

Happy Birthday to Ronald Weasley! It's not easy to stand out in a big family and with a famous best friend and another who is the brightest witch of her age but somehow he managed to do just that.

I love all the Harry Potter characters and so many are my favorites but Ron holds a special place in my heart. To best describe the trio, I would say that Harry might be the courageous hero and Hermione the brains of the operation but I feel like Ron is the heart of the group. Yes, he's fun and a little goofy, fearful at times especially of spiders (I can really relate to his arachnophobia, I'm not a big fan of spiders either) but he's also very brave and smart and a good friend.

Where the movies tend to play up his role as the comedic relief, the books I feel show so much more of who he is. However, I was happy that the movies did show his bravery but also his intelligence and not to mention how unbelievably hungry he always seemed to be. The thing about Ron is there's nothing really amazing about him but that's what makes him and his accomplishments standout that much more. He might not be as smart as Hermione (but he was made Prefect in the fifth book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) or brave and sometimes reckless as Harry but he has a good heart and is always ready for the good fight.

So, Happy Birthday, Ron Weasley you're a fantastic character and one of my favorites.

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