Friday, April 14, 2017

A Star Wars Tribute to Carrie Fisher and a Quote from Her Daughter Billie Lourd

This tribute to Carrie Fisher is so amazing, I think they did a wonderful job putting this together. I can't see any of her fans being disappointed with this. She showed who she was and that's why I think her fans loved her so much. 

My mom used to say she never knew where Princess Leia ended and Carrie Fisher began. She went from being an unknown actress, the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, to Princess Leia. She was imperfect in many ways, but her imperfections and willingness to speak about them are what made her more than perfect.

My mom, like Leia, wasn’t ever afraid to speak her mind and say things that might have made most people uncomfortable, but not me and not you. That was why she loved you, because you accepted and embraced all of her. She loved you. She loved these movies. And she loved this force called Leia.

It’s not about what you were fighting—it’s how you fought it. How you resisted. In our world, Star Wars became a religion and a way of life. I wanted to be here with you because I know you feel the same way. Secondly, she taught me that if life isn’t funny then it’s just true, and that is unacceptable. And finally, she taught me by her own example, that the most evolved person is seemingly a contradiction—they are both the strongest and the most vulnerable person in the room. And that was her. That is Leia.

~ Billie Lourd, at the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando

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