Saturday, April 15, 2017

TV Round Up: Shadowhunters (My Thoughts on S1 episodes #10-13 and S2 episodes #1-10)

I finally got caught up on watching all the current episodes of Shadowhunters. This is probably the first time in a long time that I'm actually caught up on watching a new show. I usually procrastinate or wait until forever to get caught up on a TV series or a movie. I still haven't watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet but I will eventually. Now lets see, here are some thoughts I had about the remainder of season 1 episodes #10-13 and the first 10 episodes of season 2.

The first thing is I'm glad they didn't draw out the Jace and Clary being siblings plot for too long but couldn't a simple DNA test have solved this issue. Is there no Shadowhunters equivalency of a DNA test available at the Institute? It's like no one had any doubts that Valentine could possibly be lying to them. He's a notorious murderer who is trying to kill all the Downworlders yet they took him on his word that he was both Jace and Clary's father.

It was easy to see that Alec wasn't going to marry Lydia especially not with an episode titled Malec. Lydia and Alec were not marrying for love, it was more for political reasons such as restoring the honor of the Lightwood family. However, the suspense of Magnus showing up at the last minute was perfectly played out as he waited to see what Alec's response would be. And what a response that was. As for the wedding that wasn't, everyone wore beautiful clothes from Alec's suit to Izzy's dress. Even Simon showed up in an amazing suit (that he borrowed from Raphael) but the showstopper was Lydia's wedding dress, just look at all the details. It's so pretty.

I'm not sure what to make of the addiction plot of Izzy getting hooked on vampire venom. I haven't read The Mortal Instruments books, so I don't know if that's in the books or not but to me it felt like a way to sideline a strong character. It seemed like they really didn't know what to do with her character in this first half of season 2 so they introduced the drug storyline. It reminds me of what the Arrow TV series did to Laurel Lance in season 2. Hopefully like Laurel, Izzy can beat her addiction and become an even stronger person and then hopefully avoid getting killed off only to have the actress return as an alternate universe version of the character. Sorry, I had to toss that in there because the Laurel Lance/Katie Cassidy situation on Arrow is ridiculous.

Anyway, I like Maia, she's a headstrong werewolf and bartender. I know going after Clary was probably not the best thing (in S2 E9) but I was so mad when Luke locked her in that storage room.

He knew she had a fear of enclosed spaces and yet he locked her in that room anyway. He's a terrible pack leader, she's right in that he cares more about Clary and the Shadowhunters then he does about taking care of the pack. Yeah, I know he used to be a Shadowhunter but he's a werewolf now and he needs to start looking out for them. I also wouldn't mind if the writers deviated a bit and paired up Maia and Jace because despite being so antagonistic towards each other they have an interesting chemistry that could work romantically. Jace is the sort of person who needs to keep their ego in check to keep it from inflating and Maia's just the girl to do it. They both have dominate personalities and I think a relationship between them would be cool, that is if they don't kill each other first.

Jocelyn's death was a huge disappointment because it had no impact on me. She was in a magically induced coma for most of the first season and prior to that and after being reawakened she didn't come off as an interesting character nor a great mom. Despite telling Clary she was going to be truthful to her, Jocelyn continued to be dishonest and misleading. So when her death occurred I was like, oh well. I feel like the show didn't do a good job of making her a memorable character. She seemed like one of those character that would have been great if the show had put in the effort to do that. They went out of their way to make her appear untrustworthy, ill prepared and a terrible parent.

I still find Clary to be annoying and she's about 98% stupidity with 2% left for rare bouts of intellect. I can't believe in trying to bring her mother back to life she let herself get tricked by the warlock Iris Rouse. Alec went along with her (out of understandable guilt) to see the warlock but while he was trying to question Iris, Clary was so blinded by grief she wouldn't let him do his job of making sure everything was okay. She even brushed aside the blood oath not taking into consideration what that really meant.

For some reason, I like Simon and Clary being in a relationship, it works and they actually have chemistry. Unlike Clary and Jace, who have zero chemistry. I do feel bad for Maureen who really liked Simon and who was pretty much used by him in his attempt to avoid his feelings for Clary. She was friends with Clary and Simon and now she's being shutout of the supernatural world these two are in. I hope the writers bring her back and not in some mean or terrible way.

As far as chemistry goes, I like how Alec and Magnus' relationship is progressing, it doesn't feel rushed. I did like how Magnus stood up for himself in the first episode of season 2 because Alec was acting like a jerk. Everyone at the Institute was doing everything they could to find Jace but he was snapping at everyone even more so at Magnus. But Magnus wasn't going to stay there and be treated poorly which left Alec to have to find him later to apologize. Alec is so romantically awkward that it's nice to see him trying to figure out the whole romance thing, he's truly new to the world of dating and relationships.

For a show I had no idea even existed (I rarely watch the Freeform channel) it's now one of my favorite shows. I wish I could say the same for the CW's Riverdale, I sort of abandon it after a few episodes. It was moving too slow for me and I found both the show and the characters to be boring. Maybe I'll finish watching the first season when it's out on DVD/Blu-ray or on Netflix but for now I'm going to pass on Riverdale which is weird since I'm a big Archie Comics fan. I guess at the moment the show isn't for me.

With that said I'm really looking forward to the return of Shadowhunters on June 5th. I want to see how the second half of the season will be especially with the mortal cup still out there somewhere and someone else now has the soul-sword. It should be interesting.

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