Friday, July 28, 2017

What I Will Be Watching On Netflix: Wynonna Earp

Last night, I was searching around Netflix trying to find something new to watch and found Wynonna Earp. Sometimes, I feel like I must be destined to watch shows after they've premiered because Wynonna Earp is currently in it's second season airing new episodes on the syfy channel.

Although I added it to my queue, I haven't started watching it yet. I was a little too tired to start watching it. I didn't want to doze off and miss anything. I like to be able to focus on what I'm watching.

Anyway, Wynonna Earp is one of those shows where I keep hearing nothing but good things about. I've been recommended it so many times but never got around to watching it. And now that I found it, I really can't wait to start watching it. Maybe I'll watch it for Lazy Sunday. 

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