Monday, September 25, 2017

TV Round Up: Teen Wolf Series Finale "The Wolves of War"

Episode 6x20: The Wolves of War

Rating: 2 stars

The second half of the sixth and finale season had started out so exciting with Scott McCall and his pack having to deal with the town of Beacon Hills finding out about the supernatural and turning on them out of fear. However, it's so disappointing that the show ends on a spectacular low.

This was one of the most lackluster series finales I have had the displeasure of viewing. It was so underwhelming and made the bad writing and poor plotting stand out immensely. There was so much wasted potential with this episode trying to do too much leaving the story feeling poorly written and rushed. Perhaps if the episode had been stretched to two hours many of the problems could have been fixed.

The plot centered around Scott McCall and his pack (Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale) trying to figure out a way to stop Gerard, his army and the supernatural creature the Anuk-Ite. The pack decided to try the divide and conquer approach to defeating their enemies.

Scott, Malia, Lydia, Derek and Stiles took time out at the animal clinic to discuss their plan which had Lydia and Stiles going to rescue Jackson Whittmore. While Scott, Malia and Derek go to the high school to stop the Anuk-Ite.

The Anuk-Ite not only has the ability to bring about your deepest fear but it can also shape-shift and turn you into stone. It was beyond disappointing finding out some of the packs' fears. I can't believe Stiles has a deep fear of blindness because at no point throughout the series has that ever been alluded to. They constantly showed his fear of losing his father, his fear of succumbing to the brain disease that killed his mother and a few other fears but never blindness. As for another fear that made no sense, I don't understand why Jennifer Blake was Derek's fear? The only reason I can think of is that perhaps it was the fear of her having gotten so close to him that he didn't realize she had used magic to manipulate him into a relationship. I would think Kate Argent would bring him more fear for all that she's done to him. And Scott's fear was the Nogitsune, the trickster spirit which had possessed Stiles back in season 3. All these fears really felt like lazy writing and another disappointing thing was we didn't even get to find out what Malia and Lydia's fears were.

I felt like Malia and Lydia were both diminished in this last episode. Lydia was so flat and lifeless throughout most of her scenes that is until she was around Jackson. I don't know why they didn't show her taking down all those hunters to rescue Jackson who was being held captive by Gerard. It makes no sense they showed the viewer the aftermath of the confrontation with all the hunters knocked out but not of her kicking butt. Throughout 6B, Lydia was shown as capable and amazing but this last episode she was treated as an after thought. Malia didn't fare much better because although she at least got a fight scene earlier in the episode she was placed on the back burner for the remainder without anymore really great scenes.

It was such a waste to use Chris Argent only as a publicist to prop up Scott McCall's achievements to Gerard. The scene with Chris, his sister Kate and their father Gerard should have been a huge fight amongst the three of them. Or at the very least have Scott and Chris fight off Gerard and a few of his hunters while Derek could have once and for all had the ultimate fight with Kate. She has destroyed his life so many times over (such as sexually assaulting him when he was a teenager, killing most of his family in a fire and all her continuous attacks) that it would have been fitting for him to finally put an end to her. Instead what was presented was a big snore of a scene followed by Kate taking her revenge against Gerard off screen. This yet again made no sense, Scott or Chris should have been the ones to take out Gerard.

Scott's fight against the Anuk-Ite was also a let down and it became so embarrassing when he chose to severely wound himself as a way to fight the big evil. The ridiculous thing is that he did not even have to do that since he had Stiles bring in something that defeated the creature. But the most ridiculous thing of all was that in order to get Scott to stop panicking in order for him to start healing, Lydia told Malia to kiss him. I can't believed they rehashed that horrible scene where Lydia kissed Stiles to stop him from having a panic attack.

The story centering around the main characters may have been boring and disappointing but there were some great moments for the other characters. This episode showed why Sheriff Noah Stilinski is the best. His scene at Eichen House was awesome and it had some great lines and a great fight scene. It was a waste not using him in more scenes as well as Deputy Jordan Parrish who was so greatly underutilized. Parrish is a powerful hellhound, how is it possible that he had been overpowered by three deputies (of course shown off screen) to be placed in one of the Eichen House cells.

The hospital also had some great scenes, I love seeing Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken's coordinated fight against the hunters, while in a separate scene Mason Hewitt and Corey Bryant were fighting off hunters but in a much different way. I thought Melissa McCall and Nolan were the perfect backup for the group and the scene with Sheriff Stilinski, Deputy Parrish and Scott's dad Agent Rafael McCall was pretty cool too.

Three more scenes that I enjoyed were, Jackson disarming the hunter so he could get away. The banter between Stiles and Derek as they gave their different versions of saving each others lives. And lastly, Coach Bobby Finstock, who stopped one of the hunters from going after Jackson and Ethan.

I know this was a jam packed episode but I can't believe there was no interaction between a lot of the characters. Stiles didn't even reunite with his father. It would have been great for him to have met up with him at some point especially since Stiles had been away at college and doing his internship.

And seeing the unenthused reunion between Lydia and Stiles made me wish they should have remained friends because what was shown of their relationship was pitiful. In the scene where Stiles and Derek were giving different versions of their story, Lydia didn't even show any concern when Stiles said that he had been shot while trying to save Derek's life. It's also hard not to see how cold, distant and lacking of affection Stiles and Lydia were towards each other. If you didn't know they were supposed to be in a relationship you would think they were just friends. Lydia was more excited to see Jackson than she was Stiles. It really makes me wish Lydia and Jordan Parrish had ended up together, they had so much natural chemistry that it boggles the mind that she was put in a dull relationship with Stiles.

Disappointing is the best word I could use for describing this final episode because it truly felt like the writer had run out of ideas. There was so much that didn't make sense that it simply boiled down to lazy writing. The ending didn't even have a satisfying conclusion with it feeling like it was left open for perhaps a future spin-off. As a fan it's sad to see the show end in such a terrible way.

After six seasons and 100 episodes, Teen Wolf does not go out with a monstrous roar but instead with a sad little whimper.

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