Monday, October 2, 2017

Favorite Character: Neha Patel (The Internship)

In the movie The Internship, Neha Patel (played by Tiya Sircar) is a college student interning at Google. She along with the other members of her intern group were competing against other interns in hopes of securing a job with the company after graduating from college.

What I like about Neha is she's beyond intelligent, extremely motivated, passionate about tech and had a strong interest in geek stuff. She also has a unique sense of fashion, it's girly meets quirky cool. However, she covered up some of her social insecurities by pretending on some level to be more confident (and sexually experienced) than she really was. But I thought by the end of the movie she really grew into being that strong, confident person she had been sort of pretending to be.

Although Neha was an intern, it was so great to see her in the movie because women in tech are underrepresented and even more so for women of color. But I like to think things are changing because women are making great strides within the industry.

I do wish there had been a sequel because I could easily see Neha taking the skills and experience she gained from working at Google for a few years then starting up her own tech company.

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