Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Movie Review: Megamind

I can't believe it's taken me until now to finally watch Megamind, a movie that was released back in 2010. It's a wonderful movie that has an interesting take on the world of superheroes. I was surprised by how much this paralleled with many of the elements of the Superman universe. There was even a smart, feisty, risk-taking reporter that reminded me so much of Lois Lane.

This begins with Megamind (Will Ferrell) falling towards the ground as he tells how he got to this point in his life. As a baby he had been placed in a space ship by his parents to escape from his planet that was being sucked into a black hole. But his ship wasn't the only one soaring through space there was another that had a baby. Both may have found their way to Earth but Metro Man (Brad Pitt) landed in a luxurious home while Megamind crash landed in a prison.

Metro Man grew up with all the advantages and was embraced by everyone while Megamind was an extremely smart, bald, blue kid that could never catch a break. Nothing ever seemed to go right for him. Despite growing up in prison, I do believe Megamind was supposed to be a hero but feeling misunderstood and treated horribly sort of set in his mind that he was supposed to be a villain. And if he was supposed to be a villain then he was going to be the best there was.

The all powerful superhero Metro Man was constantly fighting against his arch nemesis Megamind, who although highly intellectual, his villainous plans never worked out. That is until one of his plans finally did and he some how miraculous defeated Metro Man.

But destroying the ultimate hero, didn't bring him the happiness he thought it would. In the process of reconsidering his life, Megamind while disguised as museum curator Bernard found himself becoming friends and potentially more with reporter Roxanne Ritchie (Tina Fey). While the two were building a connection, they were also trying to figure out a way to stop Megamind.

Knowing the city needed a hero, Megamind decided to create one. However, his plan backfired when the "hero" turned into a powerful villain. And his romance with Roxanne ended when she found out the truth about him. But with Roxanne's life in danger along with the city, Megamind was the only one who could save everyone. But can the villain become a hero?

I really enjoyed this movie and there was a twist regarding Metro Man that I didn't see coming. I totally love that Megamind finally got the chance to be the hero that I knew he was supposed to be. I love this movie, with Superman in the DCEU so boring and uninspiring it was so much fun to watch this. I could not have asked for a better superhero movie, it was exciting, funny and action-packed but it was also very heartwarming.

If you haven't seen this movie, I would really recommend watching it.

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