Thursday, May 24, 2018

Book Girl Thoughts: Do You Carry Books Around With You?

Okay, my fellow bookaholics, how often do you carry books (including tablets) with you? I figure you never know when the opportunity to read might pop up such as if you're waiting in a long line or you're waiting for a friend who is running late meeting you for lunch or any number of instances.

I usually leave the big books at home (those are the ones I need to get comfy on the sofa or in a chair for) and just stick with carrying the smaller books in my purse or tote bag. At the moment, I currently have a Betty & Veronica Double Double Digest in my purse.

I get asked all the time "how do I read so many books?", well carrying books around is one of the easiest ways that I am able to do it. Just like everyone else, I'm busy and I don't always have hours to sit and read but carrying books with me makes it easy to find that extra time. So, if you want to read more books, carry them with you. 

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