Friday, June 1, 2018

Fitness Friday: Changing My Unhealthy Snack Habit

There is no substitute for putting in the effort to be healthy. Getting healthy is not something that happens overnight it takes time to change some of our unhealthy habits and one of mine is eating unhealthy snacks. Sometimes during the day, I get a little hungry in between meals and want a snack. But I notice that when I do grab a snack it's something unhealthy like candy, chips or cookies instead of picking something a little more healthier.

So, I decided to make a change and I'm going to stock up on celery sticks, pistachios, oranges, sunflower seeds, pears, cucumbers, apples and other fruit, veggies, seeds and nuts. I'm also going to not buy any candy, chips and cookies for a while to see how I do without them. Changing habits takes time and this is one habit that I'm determine to change because I want to be more conscious of what I'm eating.

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