Friday, September 28, 2018

Question of the Day: Which Newspaper Would You Read: The Daily Planet or The Daily Bugle?

If I had to choose between reading DC Comics' The Daily Planet and Marvel's The Daily Bugle, I would choose The Daily Planet because I feel like it's more trustworthy. While The Daily Bugle is all about selling sensationalism instead of providing their readers with the truth. Just look at what the Bugle does to Spider-Man. It's bad enough the people of New York City hate Spider-Man, the newspaper doesn't need to make it worse by using misleading headlines and crappy stories calling him a crook and a menace when all he's trying to do is help.

You don't see The Daily Planet making Superman out to be something that he's not. For instance, when Superman first showed up in Metropolis Perry White made a point of trying to get the reporters to find out everything they could about Superman instead of making stuff up just to sell newspapers. Now compare that to the Bugle whose headline asked if Spider-Man was a menace and a threat instead of mentioning that he was a hero helping people. J. Jonah Jameson could care less about whether Spidey is innocent or not, unless there is actual proof that the wall crawler didn't commit a crime then Jameson has to reluctantly provide the information to prove Spider-Man's innocence.

Business wise J. Jonah Jameson has a winning strategy of using sensationalism to sell papers but I do feel like it's at the cost of his newspaper's reputation. But the thing is he really does knows what sells because look at all the entertainment magazines and news shows that are out, they sell rumor and gossip using it to peak viewers/readers interest and the Bugle uses many of those elements to push the newspaper. Despite the success, I still wouldn't read it.

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