Monday, September 10, 2018

Quote: Thor and Loki (Thor: Ragnarok)

Loki: I swear I left him right here.

Thor: Right here on the sidewalk or right here where the building's being demolished? Great planning!

Loki: How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future. I'm not a witch!

Thor: No? Then why are you dressed like one?

I love Thor: Ragnarok, that movie was the absolute best. And I can't believe Loki put their father Odin in a retirement home on Earth. It's unbelievable that he just dumped the King of Asgard off in a retirement home just to get him out of the way. Thor looked like he wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation while also throttling Loki for leaving their father in some random place on Earth.

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