Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I'm Finally Going to Watch the Netflix Marvel TV Series

One of my 2019 goals is to watch more new (or new to me) TV shows which is why I'm finally going to watch the Netflix Marvel TV series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher).

Yes, I know most of these shows have already been cancelled (despite being fan favorites) but the good thing is they're Netflix shows which means they're still available to watch even if they are cancelled.

I've mentioned before that I spend a lot of time reading which is why I don't have enough time to watch TV but I'm going to start making time for it. Because I'm missing out on watching so many new shows.

For anyone who has watched some or all six shows, what did you think of them? Do you have a favorite show or episodes or were you simply disappointed by what you saw? I'll let you know what I think after watching them.

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