Thursday, June 27, 2019

Mary Jane Watson Knew When to Follow Her Heart

In the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies, Mary Jane Watson always followed her heart whether pursuing a career in acting to knowing when to move on from a relationship.

In Spider-Man 2, Mary Jane Watson was going to marry John Jameson (the son of Daily Bugle owner J. Jonah Jameson) and for awhile it seemed like she was perfectly happy. However, as the story moved along you could tell she was starting to rethink her decision the more time she spent with Peter Parker.

By the time her wedding day arrived, Mary Jane looked absolutely miserable moments before she was to walk down the aisle. No one should look this unhappy on what should be the happiest and most romantic day of their life.

She was clearly having doubts and although it was last minute, she decided not to go through with it. Unfortunately, her decision resulted in her leaving John waiting at the altar but she had to do what was best for her. And in a way it was also best for him because had she married him knowing her heart wasn't in it, odds are their marriage would not have lasted long.

The safe choice would have been for her to go through with the wedding but how happy would that decision have made her. Ultimately, Mary Jane followed her heart which had her unabashedly and unbelievably happy as she ran from the church. Just look at the picture below, you can see how relieved she was that she made the right decision.

I know that following our hearts may not always be the best in regards to making tough decisions but sometimes you have to take a chance and listen to it.

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