Friday, February 28, 2020

Did the Magic of Reading Fade after the Harry Potter Craze Ended?

I was thinking back to the Harry Potter book craze when fans young and old used to be filled with so much excitement waiting for the next book in the series. And when it was finally available, we would either stand in long lines at bookstores at all hours of the day or waiting for it to arrive in the mail so we could read it. That was a wonderful time and I can't help wondering why other books and series didn't bring about the same enthusiasm that had bookstores opening at midnight?

It's hard to imagine now that fans once stood outside in long lines just to get their hands on the latest sequel. There hasn't been anything like that since and I always wondered why that level of interest didn't transfer over to other books and series. Especially since there are some really good books that have been published. It makes me wonder why there are no more books or series that have readers of all ages clamoring to read? Yes, there are popular books and series but they seem to be divided by age groups while the young and old read Harry Potter.

What made Harry Potter so magical (pun intended) that it went from a small unheard of book to an international phenomenon? And why didn't it happen again with so many other books and series? I recall the hype surrounding Twilight, The Hunger Games, 50 Shades of Grey and other books and series but it was nothing in comparison to what happened to Harry Potter.

Do you think readers will ever be that crazed for books again that they would be willing to stand in long lines for? I guess I just miss that enthusiasm readers had then that it's strange to not see it around any more. Yes, there are still big readers such as bookworms like myself as well as the casual reader. However, I found it interesting the the Harry Potter books had even cast a spell on non-readers making them eager to read those books as well. Perhaps, the magic will return and have readers of all ages once again excited to pick up books that interest them.

(Photography: Alex Wong)

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