Friday, December 11, 2020

Trailers for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Loki

Yesterday, Disney announced a lot of new shows and movies and it felt like it was just too much. Do we really need that many Star Wars shows? And I'm saying that as one of the biggest Star Wars fan. I guess Disney's philosophy is More is More.

I'll see how I feel once the hype dies down on all these show but for now there are only two new shows I'm really interested in seeing The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Loki and they had already been announced awhile ago. After looking at the trailers, both shows look amazing. Loki looks weird and zany and pure madness while The Falcon and The Winter Soldier looks like it's going to be action packed espionage. And I really can't wait to watch both shows.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier


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