Friday, January 8, 2021

Fandom Friday: Random Fandom Thoughts #3

- As much as I love watching the Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy, I do wish the movies had a better connecting story because with two directors it showed how their different visions didn't make for a cohesive story. I just felt like they didn't know what to do with either the characters or the story. In the end, the trilogy felt very jumbled and misdirected and it's no wonder why there were so many mixed reviews from fans.

- According to reports, The CW decided not to pick up the Arrow spinoff Green Arrow and The Canaries. I do wonder if Arrow's low ratings during the eight and final season factored into that decision. I guess if the final season couldn't bring in enough viewers how would yet another spinoff series do on the network. Well, that's just my thoughts on it.

- I still can't get over the fact that so many adults hate the character Caillou who is the four years old character in the Caillou animated series. It was just announced that PBS would no longer continue to re-air the show, the final episode originally aired in 2010. I've watched the show and Caillou was shown as a typical kid who at times may have a tantrum, whine or be selfish but he always learned from his mistakes. I guess I don't understand how a child character for a children's animated series is hated by adults.

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