Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Comic Book Wednesday: May 19th Picks

Happy Comic Book Wednesday!

I was wondering what's a comic book that you recommend often? I've read a lot of comics but a book I love recommending (especially to new readers) is Batgirl: Year One by Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty with illustrations by Marcos Martin. This nine issue story is an absolutely amazing take on Barbara Gordon becoming Batgirl.

As for this week's comics, what books are you getting? I have another small list of some of my favorites but it's not about the quantity, it's about reading the books that interest you.

DC Comics

Book: Catwoman #31


Catwoman and Shoes have crashed Mr. Roy’s home art gallery opening, but they aren’t there to nick a Klimt or a Monet. No, they’re after the newest addition to Mr. Roy’s esteemed collection: a large test tube containing Poison Ivy! But how did Pamela get in this predicament in the first place, what was done to her, and why does she seem...different?

Book: Nightwing #80


Dick Grayson’s always had a big heart. From protecting those persecuted by bullies in his youth, to combating evil alongside Batman as Robin, to pledging his newly inherited wealth to enriching Blüdhaven as Nightwing-his kindness and generosity have always guided his life. But now a new villain stalks the back alleys of Blüdhaven, removing the hearts of the city’s most vulnerable. Who is this terrifying new menace named Heartless, and will he be able to resist plucking out the biggest heart in all of Blüdhaven? Read this (literally) heart-wrenching issue to find out!

Marvel Comics

Book: Captain America #29


As ALL DIE YOUNG races to its climax, Cap faces overwhelming odds as he battles to vanquish the Red Skull and the Power Elite!

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