Friday, December 3, 2021

Beauty: 9-1-1's Eddie Diaz and his hairstyles through the series (+ a look at his new hairstyle)

Okay 9-1-1 fans, I recently rewatched the first season of Notorious which was a really good show but was unfortunately cancelled after one season back in 2016. Anyway, there's a character on the show named Ryan Mills who's played by Ryan Guzman. In the show, Mills had a really good hair cut and while I was rewatching the show, it had me thinking about how much Guzman's other character Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz on 9-1-1 was in need of a new hairstyle.

(Ryan Mills  Notorious season 1 episode 4: Tell Me a Secret)

And just like that, Guzman posted on Instagram yesterday, a behind the scenes photo (below and another more detailed photo at the end of the post) of him wearing his character's firefighter uniform and surprise, with a new hairstyle. I think this is a really good cut. Up until this point on 9-1-1, Eddie has been wearing a really boring old-fashioned hair cut that would fit in perfectly on old shows like Happy Days which was set in the 1950s and 60s. His old cut wasn't bad it was just boring and made it seem like he was older than he is. Eddie had this cut for one and 1/2 seasons (season 4 through the first half of season 5) and he was due for a change.

(Ryan Guzman  (photo credit: Ryan Guzman  Instagram: ryanaguzman))

Eddie's hair always seemed to represent his life, in the second season when his character was brought onto the show his hair was fluffy and gelled back, it never felt like a definitive style. It was like his life, which at the time, he was trying to figure out. I guess since he wasn't quite sure what to do with his life and his relationship with his estranged wife Shannon Diaz, his hair lacked a style as well.

However, in the third season, Eddie had cut off all his hair and wore a short buzzed style. It was during a time in his life where he was dealing with a huge amount of stress from the grief of his wife Shannon dying (she died in the second season 17th episode Careful What You Wish For) to his son Christopher in need of help. The little boy was having nightmares after being caught in a tsunami and was also grieving his mother's death, and like his father, Chris was keeping everything inside. I guess Eddie probably thought letting go of all his stress would be as easy as cutting his hair but no all his issues would eventually boil over in the first half of the third season.

(Eddie Diaz  9-1-1 season 2 episode 18: The Life We Choose      9-1-1 season 3 episode 9: Fallout)

As for his hair in the fourth season and first half of the fifth season, it had grown out but the way it was styled was so overly perfect that it appeared very stiff and incredibly lifeless. During this time in Eddie's life, everything appeared stable but just like his hair it was incredibly lifeless. Everything was just so flat and boring: his hair, his life and his relationship with Dr. Ana Flores. It was like he was trying so hard to be perfect and hold on to it, he lost himself in this boring façade.

(Eddie Diaz  9-1-1 season 4 episode 6: Jinx      9-1-1 season 5 episode 1: Panic)

However, now that Eddie has finally broken up with Ana in the fifth season 3rd episode Desperate Measures, it was probably time for him to have a new look. Eddie's always been shown as the strong silent type who also has a sassy jokey side to him. And this hairstyle seems a lot more livelier and stylish than his still current one.

Eddie's in a new chapter of his life where he needs to start having fun and enjoying his life more. So far, everything he does is for his son Christopher (which is understandable) but he can't keep forgoing his own happiness in the process. Which is why his new look makes me hope that the writers will give Eddie an actually interesting storyline for the upcoming second half. Because after the first three episodes of the fifth season, it felt like Eddie had been pushed to the sidelines and was treated like a guest star instead of as a main character, which he is. Well, even if the second half turns out to be just as bad as the current first half, at least Eddie has an amazing new hair cut.

(Ryan Guzman  (photo credit: Ryan Guzman  Instagram: ryanaguzman))

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