Thursday, December 23, 2021

Festivus: The Airing of Grievances: Toxic Fans and Toxic Authors

Happy Festivus! I know it's a little late to post this but it's that time of the year when we celebrate this interesting holiday with The Airing of Grievances. And here are a couple of mine:

- I don't like how some "fans" harass actors over a character they don't like. There are a lot of characters that I don't like but I'm not going to waste my time bothering the actors because they play a character that I'm not a fan of. Fans need to learn how to separate the actor from the characters they play. It's okay if you don't like a character or you think the actor is terrible at acting, please feel free to write about it, talk about it, etc. but harassing an actor is taking things too far. Please don't be a fan that does that.

- Speaking of harassment, I don't like when authors harass reviewers to remove book reviews they don't like or if the review is less than five stars. I've seen where some book bloggers, bookstagramers, booktubers, etc. have mentioned that they have been contacted by authors to take down their reviews. I don't think an author should be contacting reviewers in the attempt to get a review taken down. I can understand if they feel slighted or disappointed but they have to remember that not everyone is going to like their book and harassing a reviewer is really crossing the line. Even if a book is universally panned by reviewers, I don't think an author should be going around bothering reviewers.

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