Saturday, April 2, 2022

Do you like Taylor Kelly from 9-1-1?

(9-1-1 season 2 episode 6: Dosed)

No, would be my immediate answer. However, I think Taylor Kelly could have been such an interesting character on 9-1-1 if the writers had left her as the morally murky antagonistic TV Reporter she was introduced as in the second season sixth episode Dosed and continued being in the eighth episode Buck, Actually. Yet when the showrunners and writers decided to bring the character back in the fourth and fifth seasons they gave the character a soft reboot to turn her into a plausible friend and love interest for Evan "Buck" Buckley. It's safe to say that Buck and Taylor should have never dated. They are very incompatible and I'm not even sure they should have been friends either because she has a mean streak and sometimes lashes out at others especially Buck.

The writers should have left her as the villain she was destined to be causing trouble trying to get to the "truth". She could have been the perfect foil against the firefighters and Police Sergeant Athena Grant getting in their way trying get her stories. This would have been a great way to show the darker side of the news industry especially with it pertaining to getting to the "truth" and getting more viewers/higher rating no matter the cost or outcome. But for some reason the writers thought it would be better to make her Buck's girlfriend so she needed a new personality to get rid of the cutthroat persona they gave her. And in the process they turned her into a even worse and annoyingly hypocritical milksop version of the character.

With the looming break up between Buck and Taylor, I hope the writers will write a good scene for the demise of this lackluster relationship. Since Buck cheated on Taylor, I hope she will find out the truth and then be written in a way that allows her to feel angry and upset about it. Because according to the show's timeline, they both said I love you to each other three months ago and now Buck is cheating on her. In the fifth season 11th episode Outside Looking In, there is a scene where it looked like Buck was going to tell her the truth about cheating on her but instead he asked her to move in with him. You can tell she thought he was going to tell her something bad but I can't get over her not questioning the situation further. The impromptu of Buck asking her to move in with him didn't feel romantic at all but the way Taylor has been written the writers did her no favor by having her not question it. Instead she immediately agreed to move in.

You can tell that he really doesn't love her and that he is only with her because he doesn't want to be alone. I'm not a fan of Taylor Kelly but I think she would have reacted differently to this entire moving in situation if the writers had bothered to give her an ounce of character development. Although I don't like Taylor, I think the showrunners and writers missed the opportunity to have created an ambitious cutthroat TV Reporter who was the ultimate villain. However, now she'll only be remembered as Buck's cheated on girlfriend.

(9-1-1 season 5 episode 7: Ghost Stories)

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