Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday Motivation: How Zazie Beetz Deals with Anxiety

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

As soon as I saw this story of actress Zazie Beetz describing how she deals with anxiety, I knew it would be good for Monday Motivation. Anxiety and stress can sometimes become so overwhelming that it can make you want to give up doing something you enjoy or simply being able to function living your life. What I got from Zazie's story was that the stress and anxiety might get to you but don't let it stop you. Get back out there and live your life.

"I used to wait tables at a place that was exhausting. I'd work 10 or 11 hours at a time and felt like I couldn't keep up. During a particularly busy shift, I was reprimanded for something I'd done wrong. I left feeling so depleted that I completely lost my shit in the bathroom. The entire time I worked there, I kept thinking, I could leave now and never look back.

That was a few years ago, but sometimes, on set, I have that same feeling: I could just walk away; this is too much. I'll get so overwhelmed that I find a corner to cry in for five minutes. Then I stand up, brush my tears away, tell myself, "You worked hard to get here," and get back to it. What I've learned is that bailing would mean giving in to anxiety, fear and the myth that those things have any right to dictate my life. I remind myself that, though there was a time anxiety might have stopped me, today is not that day. And so, by checking in with myself, minute by minute, I push myself through. I recognize the achievement: Maybe I didn't clean my apartment, but I made it through work. And that's enough."

~ Zazie Beetz, Glamour magazine (April 2018)

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