Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Most Memorable Scene: The Final Dance in Step Up 2

I think when it comes down to who ends up winning any of the dance competitions in the Step Up universe, it's presentation that's the winning factor in the final dance. Because in the second, third and fifth movies (Step Up 2: The Streets, Step Up 3 and Step Up 5: All In) it's always the protagonist characters' dance crew who always seem to have that extra bit of something special that makes them stand out. Whether it's something intentional or not, it's something that usually enhances their performance and gives them a better presentation.

I will post all three videos with the first today and the other two on Thursday and Friday. The first is Step Up 2: The Streets, even though I think they already had a good performance, the rain is what absolutely enhanced it and made it even better. I think if they had performed this in the warehouse where the other dance crews had already danced, I don't think it would have stood out the way it did out in the rain.

What do you think, was the rain the winning factor?

Step Up 2: The Streets

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