Sunday, August 28, 2022

Book Girl Thoughts: What are your plans for the day?

Happy Sunday!

What are your plans for the day? So far this morning, I've been cleaning and organizing my little reading nook in my bedroom. The area had become so messy. My chair became a catch all for all types of stuff such as clothes, Funkos, books and anything else that I didn't put away. It's just piles of stuff I need to go through, sort and organize.

After seeing this mess for the umpteenth time, I couldn't go another day with all this stuff piled up in the chair. So, I finally decided to go through, sort and organize all that stuff. I really want my nice cozy little reading nook back so that I can actually use my chair to sit down and read in it.

And once I'm finished cleaning and organizing, I'm going make me a cup of tea and watch either a movie or few episodes from one of my favorite shows and relax.

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