Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Meme vs 9-1-1 #2

Every now and then I occasionally still see the meme of the adorable little duck (or chick) holding a plastic knife. It looks so cute and adorable as it's trying to be threatening. It reminds me of this behind the scenes picture of Firefighter Eddie Diaz (Ryan Guzman) holding a knife from 9-1-1's third season episode Triggers.

Unlike the squishy little duck/chicken, during the actual 9-1-1 scene Eddie wasn't trying to be intimidating or threatening, he was in the process of cutting the line from the fire truck that was attached to an SUV that was dangling over the edge of a cliff. However, in this behind the scenes picture, Ryan looks like he's responding to something funny that happened on set.
(9-1-1 behind the scenes of season 3 episode 4: Triggers)

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