Friday, November 11, 2022

Fandom Friday: Random Fandom Thoughts #27: Project Runway, Kevin Conroy and Buck, Connor and Kameron

Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already the end of the week, time is moving along way too fast. Anyway, here are some of my fandom thoughts. What are yours?

- I've been rewatching Project Runway and I'm currently on the 10th season and after rewatching all of these seasons back-to-back, there were so many times where I didn't understand the judges decisions. Something else I also noticed is that the judges were never consistent with their judging. They would love something one minute then hate it the next or call it polished and sophisticated then calling it cheap. There were some really cute and well made clothes that they didn't like throughout those seasons I've rewatched so far. I feel like they were looking at the clothes through their editorial (Nina Garcia) or designer (Michael Kors) lens instead of seeing it from a potential customer's point of view. Because there were a lot of looks that would have easily sold out in stores but they dismissed them for various reasons.

One of my favorite looks was by Bryce Black during the ninth season seventh episode Can't We Just All Get Along?, where he designed a pair of black and white pattern shorts and an orange top (which I highlighted in the picture below). Although his look was part of the winning Team Chaos collection, they didn't like his outfit because they felt it was not as sophisticated as the other pieces that were in the collection. But it was sophisticated but with a cute and casual feel and I thought it was a perfect look for summer. The only thing that was missing was a cute tote bag or purse.

(models wearing the Team Chaos collection    Project Runway season 9 episode 7: Can't We Just All Get Along?)

- It's being reported that Kevin Conroy died yesterday (Thursday November 10th) at the age of 66. It's so sad to hear of his death, to all of us Batman fans he was the definitive voice for the character ever since his role voicing Batman/Bruce Wayne from Batman: The Animated Series. I truly hope that the executives over at DC Comics will do something worthy of honoring the late actor.

- I'm really not enjoying Evan "Buck" Buckley's sperm donor storyline on 9-1-1 this sixth season. So far, it's boring and I feel like Buck's old friend Connor and Connor's wife Kameron are so annoying. Connor shows up after three years of no contact and him and his wife asked Buck to become their sperm donor, how does that make sense. I get that they are desperate to have a baby but it makes no sense to ask (or pressure) a friend to be a donor instead of just getting an anonymous donation then you don't have to worry about any hurt feelings or issues.

For instance, in this past Monday's episode Cursed they rudely showed up at Buck's job because they claimed they haven't been able to get a hold of him after the clinic told them he hadn't showed up for his appointment. As I said before, I get that they are desperate to have a baby but to show up at the fire station and loudly talk to Buck about him being their donor and not really letting him get a word in to let them know all the various complications he was having with trying to donate at the clinic was so beyond rude. And not to mention all his co-workers overheard their conversation.

I really don't know why the writers had Buck agree to be a sperm donor in the first place and those two showing up at his job should have had him questioning his decision. I really would love to know how Buck being a sperm donor was discussed in the writers' room and why they thought it was a good idea for the season. And not to mention why the writers have Connor, a man of color so set on Buck being the donor which will result in Connor and Kameron having an all white baby instead of going for a donor who was also a man of color so they can have a biracial child.

For some reason the showrunner and writers are dragging out this sperm donor plot all season, I truly hope the story will pay off in the end especially since Buck hasn't had a good storyline since the third season. And so far this plot is bland and boring but I'm sure it will lead to Buck learning yet another life lesson. Last season, he was supposed to learn from his disastrous relationship with his girlfriend Taylor Kelly not to be in a relationship just to be in one. And unfortunately, it took all season for him to learn that lesson. So, I guess this season it's to learn how to value himself and not just go along with whatever someone wants him to do. But I doubt that's the lesson he'll end up learning, the writers will probably have some sort of reason for this season's life lesson. I would really like to know why does Buck have to keep learning so many life lessons each season.

(Buck, Kameron and Connor    9-1-1 season 6 episode 7: Cursed)

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