Thursday, May 18, 2023

Eddie Diaz and The Inappropriate Love Interest

I have been trying to gather my thoughts on Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz's new love interest Marisol. It's so weird that this is the character that the Showrunner and writers thought would be perfect for Eddie. It's because of the off-putting close bond she has with her brother Vincent. When she was introduced during an emergency call in the sixth season fifth episode Home Invasion, she had this weird incestual vibe with her brother. And it got to the point it had fans constantly making reference to the infamous Folgers Christmas commercial about the brother and sister.

(9-1-1 season 6 episode 18: Pay It Forward)

The thing is in both 9-1-1 and the Folgers commercial, there didn't seem to have been anyone behind the scenes who picked up on the the vibe that was being conveyed on screen. At least Folgers stopped airing that commercial although it's still talked about and made fun of. Unlike 9-1-1, where it seems the writers want viewers to forget about it. However, to no surprise it only seemed to make viewers talk about and make fun of Marisol and her brother's relationship even more. I've seen so many comments from viewers and fans who thought Vincent was her boyfriend instead of her brother due to the vibe they gave off in that episode. So many were surprised to find out that was her brother.

It reminds me of that Friends episode The One with the Inappropriate Sister (season 5 episode 10) where Rachel Green was dating this guy Danny who has a very weird incestuous vibe with his sister Krista. It's interesting that this episode of Friends was also set during Christmas so it also has that in common with the Folgers commercial. In one scene, Danny and Krista were at the Central Perk café with Rachel, Monica Geller, Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing and the entire time the siblings were showcasing some really weird and inappropriate behavior. In fact, after Danny and Krista left the café, Joey was surprised they were brother and sister, due to their actions. What I found interesting is unlike 9-1-1 and the Folgers commercial, Danny and Krista's incestuous vibe was intentional and you were supposed to notice how weird their relationship was. And to no surprise Rachel ended things with Danny.

(Friends season 5 episode 10: The One with the Inappropriate Sister)

Which is why it's so disappointing that Marisol is who the writers thought would be a good match for Eddie. They would rather put him with yet another bland and boring love interest who he has no chemistry with. And not to mention is only memorable because she has an incestuous vibe with her brother. I don't know why the Showrunner and writers would rather push a last minute relationship at the end of the season with a weird love interest than let Eddie be in a meaningful romantic relationship with his best friend Evan "Buck" Buckley. But that's a topic for another post.

I just find it so out of character that the Showrunner and writers are also willing to make Eddie a hypocrite. Because in the episode Death and Taxes (season 6 episode 15), he said Really? Dating someone you rescued? You know that never ends well. to Buck. It was after Buck admitted to going out with Natalia, the Death Doula, who Buck had met during an emergency call in the same episode. Then turn around and have Eddie do exactly the same thing by having him reunite with Marisol in the 17th episode Love is in the Air and then have them plan to date in the season finale Pay it Forward.

He continued to be extremely out of character by quickly getting over the stress and anxiety he was having of the idea of dating as well as not being ready to date in the episode Performance Anxiety (season 6 episode 14). To turn into a different person with a different personality in the 17th (Love in the Air) and the season finale (Pay It Forward) episodes. He was acting like an out of character insta-love teenager instead of a levelheaded 30-something while trying to pursue a cringe inducing relationship with Marisol. Eddie Diaz deserves better than being in yet another lackluster relationship and this time with someone who's really weird.

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