Sunday, May 14, 2023

How would you describe your TV show interests?

This is a pretty good question because I do love watching TV just as much as I love reading books. As with reading, I love watching as the story unfolds. Yes, there are times when the writing for some shows are so bad I want to stop watching (which for some I do). Meanwhile, there are others where the writing is so good and fascinating that I can't wait to watch the next episode. And there are some shows where the writing is somewhere in the middle but have really good characters that I'll put up with the mediocre writing.

I found that over the years, I'll watch just about anything if it interest me: cartoons, drama, horror, mystery, procedural, sci-fi and fantasy, sitcom, superhero/comic book, supernatural, etc. The only genres that I don't or rarely watch are: reality shows, talk shows and soap operas. I have watched a few reality shows but not many: Project Runway and Nick & Jessica. Although, soap operas tell stories, I just don't have the interest for that type of over the top drama. As for the other two, they just don't interest me. However, I might watch a talk show if there's an actress/actor that I find interesting who is being interviewed.

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